Quality Improvement Services

Discover How ChartSpan’s CCM Solution Can Improve Your Quality Performance at No Extra Cost

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Quality Improvement Services
MIPS Support icon
MIPS and Star Ratings Support

Enhance your care program with activities that elevate your Quality score for greater reimbursement.

Quality Performance Best Practices icon
Quality Performance Best Practices

Apply effective methods for delivering high-quality care and improving patient outcomes.

Addressing Gaps in Care icon
Addressing Gaps in Care

Address gaps in care with the potential of 12 or more additional touchpoints per patient each year.

Improve quality scores.
Maximize reimbursement.

As a Chronic Care Management (CCM) customer, you’ll receive ongoing support from ChartSpan’s highly trained Quality Improvement team. We can support your efforts to grow your quality scores.

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Performance Reviews icon
Performance Reviews

Regularly review performance data, identify gaps, and implement interventions to address areas for improvement.

CCM Strategies icon
CCM Strategies

Implement CCM strategies such as care plans, patient education, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs).

Increased Recurring Revenue
Cost Optimization

Understand the cost measures relevant to your practice and identify opportunities to optimize costs.

Manage Compliance Requirements icon

Engage in quality improvement activities that align with your practice’s goals and stay up-to-date on MIPS requirements.

Increase your overall quality scores with ChartSpan's CCM program.

ChartSpan customers with a CCM program have a higher median quality score than those who do not. ChartSpan’s CCM program can assist in three of the four Quality MIPS measure performance categories–Cost, Quality, and Improvement Activities.

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We support patients through
  • Extended care coordination
  • Engaging patients regularly
  • Collection of patient satisfaction data
  • Engagement of underserved populations
  • Preventive care screening
  • Comprehensive care plans
  • Patient coaching between visits
  • Promoting self-management
Address Gaps in Care

Address gaps in care to improve quality scores.

ChartSpan can help you identify care gaps with CCM and Annual Wellness Visits (AWVs). Your CCM program will engage patients in monthly calls to address care gaps and Social Determinants of Health, identifying which patients have already closed care gaps in past years or with other providers. RapidAWV™ software will identify risk factors and gaps in care through the HRA and provide you with automatic reporting.

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Our Solutions Can Help You Identify and Follow Up With Patients On:
  • BMI screening and follow-up
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Depression screening and follow-up
  • Diabetes control
  • Diabetic eye exam
  • Herpes Zoster vaccination
  • Hypertension control
  • Influenza immunization
  • Pneumonia vaccine
  • Tetanus/Diphtheria vaccination

Dedicated Support for Superior Care Outcomes

Dedicated Consultant icon

Dedicated Consultant

Receive a Quality consultant to answer your questions and discuss the details of your performance.

Addressing Gaps in Care icon

Identified Gaps in Care

Identify and follow up with patients in need of screenings, immunizations, vaccinations, and care management.

Improved Quality Scores

Improved Quality Scores

94% average score of ChartSpan customers utilizing Quality Improvement (PY 2021)

Identify gaps in care with ChartSpan!

See how you can increase revenue, expedite reimbursements, deliver valuable support, and improve patient outcomes.

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